Kantar: Android continues to win over market share from Apple's iOS and Windows Phone

Kantar: Android continues to win over market share from Apple's iOS and Windows Phone

According to the latest data from market research firm Kantar Worldpanel, Google's Android has continued to extend its domination during the smartphone market in the three months ending April 2016.

After observing smartphone sales during the time period, the industry watchers believe that Android has held a 76% share of the global smartphone market. That's up 5.8% compared to the same three months a year ago.

The authors of the report estimate that most of Android's progress has been made at the expense of Microsoft's Windows Phone. Kantar estimates that 10% of new Android buyers in the time period have switched from Windows Phone.

A year ago, WP held a 3.8% slice of the US market and a 9.3% slice of the EU5 (Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Spain). Now Windows Phone has fallen to 1.3% in the US and 4.8% in EU5 among other losses in other markets around the globe.

While most of Android's growth came from former Windows Phone users, it looks like Apple's iOS is also losing market share in the major smartphone markets. In the EU5, Apple lost 1 percentage point and holds an 18.3% slice of the market. In China, iOS fell 4.4% to 20.1% of the market. Even in the US, a market where Apple dominates as an individual smartphone maker, iOS has lost 2.5 percentage points since last April and now holds a 30.7% slice of the pie.

Looking into the future, it will be very interesting to see how the smartphone OS battle pans out. Apple has recently unveiled iOS 10 while Google is getting ready to launch the commercial version of Android N later this summer. 


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