Would you get an Android phone for its Nokia branding? (poll results)

Android-based Nokia D1C concept image
Android-based Nokia D1C concept image

It it is pretty evident that even in this day and age Nokia still has a loyal brand following and name recognition, which might be enough to give it an edge in the crowded Android market. That is why we asked you last week if you would get a Nokia Android phone for the sake of old times and that logo on the chassis. A surprisingly high number (40%) of our 2580 respondents answered affirmatively, while equally impressive 51% are open to the idea, provided that the specs and design prove alluring. Less than 9% think it's too late for Nokia to make any inroads with an Android phone, which bodes well for the purported Nokia Android launch in the spring.

Nokia is back with Android phones! This might be the thought on the mind of every nostalgically inclined Nokia fan after today's HMD press release that they will indeed be launching Android phones with the venerable brand next year. For those Nokia aficionados of yesteryear the presser reads like "freedom from Microsoft oppression!," or "Nokia back in Finland!" or "finally an Android-powered Nokia!", but today's smartphone industry environment is rather different from the one just two years ago.

We have the Apple-Samsung duopoly in the high-end class that will be incredibly hard to challenge in any meaningful way, that is why HMD is said to come up with midrange Nokia Android handsets at first. That's not to say that the phones won't be fine, but some really exciting and top-shelf features might be left for a later date, depending on how the first batch fares on the market. 


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