Samsung's second appeal on Apple's slide-to-unlock patent case denied, $120 million verdict upheld

Samsung's second appeal on Apple's slide-to-unlock patent case denied, $120 million verdict upheld
Back in May 2014, an epic patent infringement legal battle between Apple and Samsung resulted in $119.6 million verdict for Samsung to pay on violating three Apple patents. This was down from the original $2.2 billion in damages sought, and concerned the OG iPhone's slide-to-unlock, quick links and auto-correct features. 

Samsung then filed an appeal, succeeding in overturning the verdict, but Apple countered with a review which reconfirmed it last month. The lawyers of the Korean conglomerate went to the US Court of Appeals for a whole court hearing, but now the judges there have overturned this second appeal. 

The only chance that Samsung stands of not paying in this situation, is if it goes all the way up to the Supreme Court, and it probably will, as the first patent case that involved Apple and Samsung has also reached Supreme Court level, and a verdict is expected in the spring. For what it's worth, Samsung's slide-to-unlock and auto-correct usage may ultimately cost it $120 million, which is way down from the initial billions sought, but still a sizeable chunk.

source: PatentlyApple


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