Results: Now that Material Design has been around for a while: do you like it?

Results: Now that Material Design has been around for a while: do you like it?Android's Material design was a bold, if a bit confusing at first, endeavour. Google was fed up with Android apps looking and functioning differently and wanted to provide a set of guidelines for app developers to follow — that way users get a streamlined experience, no matter what they are using on their phone, and developers get the weight of design decisions lifted off their shoulders. And, of course, Android was in dire need of a more modern look.

While many were happy that Android is about to get a more consistent feel to it, some fans of Google's OS weren't particularly pleased with the look that Material Design was going for. The flat appearance, the vibrant, candy-like colors that were showcased — they just didn't gel with everyone, and that's understandable. And many people do need some time to get used to a certain look and design elements before they could judge whether they like them or not.

It has now been a couple of years since we got our first taste of Material Design and we are all pretty used to it by now. That in mind, we thought we'd ask you how you feel about it now. Here's how the poll votes tallied up:

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1562 votes

(1562 votes)
I love everything about it

399 votes

(399 votes)
Not a fan of the looks, but at least the UI is streamlined across apps

78 votes

(78 votes)
I don't really care enough to pay attention to the UI

141 votes

(141 votes)
I largely dislike Material Design's UI elements and looks
2180 votes


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